Komodo Dragon Island Tours 5 Days

Komodo Dragon Island Tours 5 Days

Day 01 : Labuan Bajo & Kalong Island

Upon arrival at Komodo Labuan Bajo airport west part of Flores Island, meeting service with our guide then transfer to harbour for boating to Kalong island, to see thousand Flying Foxes where they are coming out from Mangrove trees at 06.00 PM. Dinner will be served on the boat. Overnight on the cabin boat (non air conditioner).

Day 02 : Rinca Island, Pink Beach & Anchorage

Breakfast on the boat then depart to Rinca Island. Arrive at Rinca you will get check in at National park office. Then you can explore with trek 3 hours go and back different to see Komodo Dragons and some wild life such as buffaloes, horses, deer, monkey, wild board and some kind of birds. After explore Rinca Island, continue to Pink beach for snorkeling on wonderful corals and fishes. And then dinner will be served on the boat around small island. Overnight on the cabin boat (non air conditioner).

Day 03 : Komodo Island & Manta Point

After breakfast on the boat depart to Komodo Island for other chance to see Komodo Dragons and other wild life. After activities on Komodo island leave to Manta Point for snorkeling or swimming with wonderful and colorful fishes. If you are lucky, you will see Manta Rays here. After snorkeling depart to the island where the anchorage available, it depending on weather at the time. Accommodation and dinner will be served on board. Overnight on the cabin boat (non air conditioner).

Day 04 : Sebayur & Kanawa Island

After breakfast on the boat, take full day snorkeling on Sebayur and Kanawa island where you can find many kind of corals and colorful of fishes. Accommodation and dinner will served on the boat at Bidadari island. Overnight on the cabin boat (non air conditioner).

Day 05 : Bidadari Island & Labuan Bajo

After breakfast, take short snorkeling before depart to Labuan Bajo. Arrive at harbor, we will drive you to the airport for departure.

– Tax and service

– Private full AC transport
– Private boat for 5 days to around Komodo National Park
– Meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) on the tour program
– Entrance fee in all tourism object
– English speaking guide
– Mineral water, coffee and tea on the boat

– Flight ticket

– Personal expenses
– Travel insurance

– Customer service : Email balijavaholidays@gmail.com / WhatsApp +6287755516005

(Destination and duration can be MODIFIED)



gili laba gili lawa

pulau padar island

komodo flores

komodo flores indonesia