The Short History Of Yogyakarta City

The Short History of Yogyakarta

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The history of Yogyakarta began with the Gianti Agreement on February 13th, 1755. The agreement was signed by the Dutch Company. Governor Nicholas Hartingh signed the agreement on behalf of Governor-General Jacob Mossel. Yogyakarta is the name that was given by Paku Buwono II, the king of Mataram from 1719 to 1727, as the replacement of Gartitawati. The full name of this city is Negari Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. As it is said before, Yogyakarta was built in 1755, along with the establishment of the Ngayogyakarta Kingdom by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I in Hutan Beringin, an area between Winongo River and Code River. The location was considered strategic in terms of security defense at that time.

On August 17th, 1945, after Indonesia declared its independence, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII were chosen as the Governor and Vice Governor of Yogyakarta. It was the order from the President of Republic Indonesia. Yogyakarta already had its own governance tradition named Kasultanan and Pakualaman long before Indonesia was free from colonialism. This is the reason why Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII directly became the governor and vice governor. Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat was established since 1755 by Pangeran Mangkubumi who had the title of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I. Kadipaten Pakualaman was built in 1813 by Pangeran Notokusumo who then titled Adipati Paku Alam I. This is the history how Yogyakarta was titled Special Region.

On September 5th, 1945, the President of the Republic Indonesia declared that the Special Region of Yogyakarta is a part of Republic Indonesia. Visit these places below to find out more about the history of Yogyakarta city.

Keraton Yogyakarta

It cannot be denied that Keraton Yogyakarta is the most popular historical place in the city. The building is filled with Javanese elements and collections of historical items which were used by the royal family to fight against colonialism in the past. Spacious, majestic, and fancy are the atmosphere that you can feel when you visit this historical place. Keraton Yogyakarta is also a suitable place for you who want to learn about Javanese cultures.

Jogja Kembali Monument

If you are curious about the story of Indonesian’s struggle in Yogyakarta when they fought against colonialism, you should not miss visiting Jogja Kembali Monument. In this historical museum, there are a lot of dioramas that describe how meetings, tactics, and strategies must be done in order to get rid of colonialism from Yogyakarta and Indonesia. Here, you will be able to see the guns, photos, documents, and many other items used by General Sudirman, the leader of the war.

Vredeburg Castle

The next place where you can learn the history of Yogyakarta City is Vredeburg Castle. This place is located in the city center, near the post office and Beringharjo Market. Inside the castle, you will be able to see many dioramas which tell a story about the history of how Yogyakarta struggled hard to escape from the colonialist. Vredeburg Castle was a protective building during the war.

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