Bromo Mountain Description

Bromo Mountain Description

As we all know, Indonesia is packed with so many natural tourist destinations such as mountains, beaches, lakes, forests, and many more. Speaking about mountains, there is one mountain in East Java, Indonesia that is popular among the tourists, Mount Bromo. This mountain is one of the most popular mountains in Indonesia and many people have been hiking up this mountain. Of course, Mount Bromo also becomes a favorite mountain to enjoy the view of the sunrise and the sunset. You can either hike up the mountain or ride the Jeep. If you happen to want to go visit Indonesia and want to hike up Mount Bromo, you might want to keep on reading this article to see Bromo Mountain Description.

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About Mount Bromo

For your information, Mount Bromo is a mountain with an altitude of 2,329 meters above sea level. Mount Bromo has so many natural beauties and this mountain is still active. Administratively, Mount Bromo is located in four districts in East Java which are Malang, Pasuruan, Lumajang, Probolinggo. This data of Bromo Mountain Description shows that many people will be able to go visit Mount Bromo through any tracks or ways. Mount Bromo is also a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park and already has become the most popular tourist destination in East Java. Not only Mount Bromo, but Mount Semeru also becomes a part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

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Many people come to Mount Bromo mostly because they want to see the beautiful sunrise. To enjoy this amazing and heavenly view, you will be required to hike up to Puncak Penanjakan which is the best spot to see the sunrise. If you are planning to camp for the night, you can ask the keeper to wake you up in the morning. The keeper will wake you up at 2 a.m. to start climbing. Once you get up there and the sun is rising, you will only hear shots of the cameras of the tourists.

Additional Information

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Another information about Mount Bromo is that this mountain has a crater with 800 meters in diameter from north to south and 600 meters from west to east. This crater contains many sulfurs so you will be able to smell it when you stand on the edge. To enjoy the beauty of this crater, you will be required to climb around 250 stairs first. If you are hesitating in climbing the stairs, you can also ride the horses of the locals by renting them.

The last information about Bromo Mountain Description is the temperature in Mount Bromo. For your information, the temperature in Mount Bromo is around 3 to 20 degrees Celsius. In fact, the temperature can go until minus 0 degrees Celsius. That is why it is important for you to wear warm clothes, gloves, shawl, and hats. If you forget to bring even one of these things, do not worry, there are many sellers that will provide you with these things in Mount Bromo.

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