Distance Surabaya Bromo

Distance Surabaya Bromo

Distance Surabaya Bromo is 115.6 km. This distance takes about 3 hours. There are two paths to go to Mount Bromo. You can pass the Malang or Surabaya route but this article will explain how to go to Bromo from Surabaya. You start the journey from Juanda airport and you can take the Damri bus to the Bungurasih bus terminal. The next step is you take a bus Jember or Banyuwangi and do not forget to tell the conductor that you will go down in Probolinggo. If you have arrived at the terminal Probolinggo, then you can ride inspired village that looks like a car to go to District Ngadisari, Wonotoro, and Jetak. This is an area located on the hill Cemoro Lawang. This is the village closest to Mount Bromo. All the villages are surrounded by mountains. The western part is bordered by Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, and a sea of sand. In the west, you will find Mount Ringgit, Lengkong, and Gunung Lingga. Other mountains are in the south.

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The villagers always obey the rules of the region. The villagers are Hindus. You can choose a place to stay and eat food in the village Ngadisari. You can rent a car to go to Pananjakan or Bromo national park. You must prepare the complete equipment before you go to this mountain. There is some tourist attraction money on this mountain. You can also visit the sights. You can buy a tour package that will invite you to do adventure in this area. You can cross the vast sea of sand and cross the unique hill that is on Mount Bromo. You can also climb to the top of the crater to see the view from above. This activity takes a few days.

Mount Bromo is a mountain that is respected by local people. Villagers will worship at Pura Poten. This is a temple in the middle of a sea of sand. This place of worship becomes a sacred and sacred place for the Tengger tribe. This place was built in 2000 and used as a place to worship the God Brahma. The building consists of three zones. The first zone is Mandala Utama. This is the zone used for prayer. The second zone is the Mandala, Mandala used for the preparation of the ceremony and the last zone is Mandala Nista which is used as a transitional place from the outside to the interior of this temple. There are many tourists who want to see the rituals performed by Hindus in this temple.

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Another activity is to go to the top of Bromo. It becomes the most strategic place to see the beautiful scenery of this park. This place is at an altitude of 2900 meters above sea level. This peak is referred to as the country above the clouds because the valley area is covered by thick fog. This peak is located in Argosari village, Lumajang, East Java. If you want to visit this place, then you have to use a private vehicle because there is no public transport passing through this mountain. The village is 40 km from the city center. This peak becomes a favorite place to enjoy a holiday. You can see several rows of mountains from this peak. You do have to travel long but you will not be disappointed with the view on this mountain. That is the review of Distance Surabaya Bromo.

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