The Joys In Travelling To Tanjung Puting National Park

Tanjung Puting National Park is a great tourism destination when you visit Kalimantan. If you have a chance to tour to Kalimantan, you can add this destination to your itinerary list. The national park located in Central Kalimantan is famous for its Orangutan Conservation. It becomes the biggest one in the world. Many joys can be enjoyed during traveling to Tanjung Puting National Park.

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The Location of Tanjung Puting National Park

To visit this place, you have to know the location of Tanjung Puting National Park. This park is managed by Balai Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting located in Kumai Region, Kotawaringin Barat, and Hanau Region, Danau Sembuluh, and Seruyan Hilir, Seruyan. If you use an airplane, you can take a flight direct to Iskandar Airport in Pangkalan Bun. After you arrived there, you should continue your trip to Kumai Airport. Your nature traveling will be started there.

Preparation for Going to Tanjung Puting National Park

To explore a tour of Kalimantan, it is better to prepare everything on Orangutan Borneo Tour. It has started a budget, health, itinerary, stuff, and many more. The entrance ticket to Tanjung Puting National Park is about Rp. 5.000 per person for Indonesian visiting from Monday to Saturday. If you visit on Sunday or national off days, the tariff is Rp. 7.500 per person. Some things that you prepare are anti-mosquito lotion, personal medicine, shoes, sandals for trekking. It is important to bring a camera to capture beautiful moments there. If you don’t want to get busy arranging an itinerary, you can select to join an open trip offered by a tour and travel agent so that you can enjoy the tour freely.

Read this post : An Ultimate Guide To A Wonderful Orangutan Borneo Tour

Activities to Do in Tanjung Puting National Park

If you want to explore Tanjung Puting National Park, you can enjoy some activities to do during traveling. These are some interesting activities in this park.

Observing Orang Utan and Wild Fauna

To be an orangutan conservation place, of course, the main enchantment of Tanjung Puting National Park is its orangutan. Thus, traveling to Kalimantan becomes a chance to get closer to this animal. One of the ways to see an orangutan is at feeding time. The feeding time is a time where the ranger gives extra food for orangutans such as bananas, milk, and sweet potatoes. It has a special place to see this ritual and place completed with the wooden bench so that you can see it comfortably. In feeding time at the camp, it has a king of orangutan always present at feeding time. The feeding time is different for every camp so that you don’t get worried to lose the ritual.

Staying a Night on Kelotok Ship

You will use this traditional ship when you arrive in Kumai Port. This ship is a transportation mode to explore Tanjung Puting National Park. You can stay at night on this ship. You don’t get worried about the complete accommodations because it has completed with the bed, bathroom, dining room, and pillow. Facing the dusk, you will see a beautiful sunset view though it is hampered by the trees. You will see a sunset atmosphere when the lights penetrate the trees.