Various Advantages To Following The Orangutan Kalimantan Tour

Orangutan is a very special species of fauna of the earth. This is because Orangutan is the only type of great ape that only exists in Asia, namely Sumatra and Kalimantan. Naturally, these areas still have quite a lot of forests because they are home to orangutans themselves. If you want to enjoy nature while getting to know and learn about the fauna on this one, then it’s good for you to take the Orangutan Kalimantan tour.

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One of the services that provide this tour is the Orangutan Borneo Tour. You can find it when visiting Kalimantan Island. From this touring activity, then you will be able to find various things that you will not be able to find in various other touring packages offered. What are the benefits? Here are some benefits that you can get later.

Read this post : An Ultimate Guide To A Wonderful Orangutan Borneo Tour

Get to know Orangutan

By joining this touring program, you will get to know various things about Orangutans. Like starting from history, their appearance, their current condition, to various small things about them, such as their preference in terms of living in what kind of location, favorite food, and their daily activities.

You are also free to ask questions about things you didn’t know about Orangutan. In addition to adding insight, you can meet and see them directly, of course, because their presence will also not be found in other areas.

Care about Orangutan

One of the interesting things, in this case, is that you also care about this fauna species. This is because of the condition of those who are already endangered. According to existing reports, over the past 20 years, their population has decreased by 55%. The reason for one of them is due to illegal hunting.

Therefore, usually in the Orangutan Kalimantan tour, part of the income earned will be donated in the context of donations to look after them. For this reason, if you take this tour, you are just as concerned about the condition of Orangutans who are currently concerned.

Closer to the environment

For those of you who have a soul of nature lovers, this touring seems to be a very appropriate choice compared to taking touring which only takes you to various tourist destination spots.

From this touring, indeed you will not be escorted to famous tourist attractions. But you will be invited to adventure and be one with nature. The facilities that you get will be more natural.

It’s not simple, but the natural and authentic impression will make you still enjoy the real extraordinary, but combined and wrapped with very interesting natural content.

A silent atmosphere with cool natural conditions

If you take a tour of a tourist destination, of course, you will be faced with a crowded crowd and surrounding conditions that can make you hot because there are so many people there.

However, unlike Orangutan Kalimantan tour. You will be offered a natural landscape as well as a quiet atmosphere and cool nature. You will feel like you are in a private place of your own because there are only you and a few people, where there is no commotion and hustle and bustle in the city.