Explore The Fantastic Beauty Of Telaga Warna Dieng

Don’t miss a chance to enjoy the beauty of Telaga Warna Dieng when you are visiting Dieng Plateau. The location of Dieng Plateau is in Wonosobo, Central Java. Learn the things you get when you are exploring this place below.

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About Telaga Warna

Telaga means a lake where as Warna means color in the Indonesian language. Like the name, the water in the lake has several colors, and it is a natural phenomenon. Sometimes, the water looks green and at other times it looks yellow or even rainbow color. This unique natural phenomenon is because of the high sulfur content in the water. You will also bubble on the water and it also a sign that the water has a high sulfur level. The location is 2000 meters above sea level. You will see so many hills there.

Things to Do in Telaga Warna

The first thing to do when you are in Telaga Warna is capturing the unique phenomenon. The best way to enjoy the beauty of this lake maximally is from the height. You can climb to one of the hills and capture the outstanding scenery of Telaga Warna from there. Besides enjoying the beauty of Telaga Warna, you can also explore another lake known as Telaga Pengilon. You can’t see colorful water but crystal clear water at Telaga Pengilon.

In the Indonesian language, Pengilon means a mirror. Due to the meaning, it means that the water is so clear so you can see your reflection there like when you are standing in front of a mirror. There is a myth that the reflection on the water represents the heart of the person. The reflection of the person looks beautiful if he or she has a pure heart and kind. In contrast, if he or she often does bad things and full of hatred, the reflection of his or her face on the water looks scary and ugly. You may believe it or not but people who live near Telaga Warna believe in it. You can try to see your reflection on the water of Telaga Warna if you want to do it.

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You can also explore the surrounding in which you will see shady trees and Hindu Temples. Pengilon Lake is not only a place that you can visit when you are in Telaga Warna but you can also explore other beautiful areas such as Goa Semar, Goa Jaran, and the Sikendang Crater.

The Best Time to Go to Telaga Warna

The best time to go to Telaga Warna is in the morning. Make sure that you go there in the cloudy weather so you can see and enjoy the fantastic beauty of the view maximally. It is also for your safety, especially if you want to climb a hill to see Telaga Warna from above. The hills are slippery on a rainy day. Indeed, you can see the beauty of the scenery if it is overcast or mist. The mist is also the reason why you have to leave the lake before noon. This condition makes it hard to see anything around it. As a result, you will have difficulty to find the route to go back to the meeting point.

The Way to Get There

You can go there by car. It a three-hour trip from Yogyakarta and 25 kilometers from Wonosobo. Take a bus from Yogyakarta to Magelang and find public transportation to Wonosobo. Take a minibus to the village of Dieng once you are in Wonosobo You can join a trusted travel agent to get to Telaga Warna easier and faster. Imagine if you don’t know the right route to go there. You can’t enjoy the beauty of Telaga Warna as you expect.