Trekking To Mount Prau In Dieng For Beginner And Advanced Trekkers

Those who are curious about the climbing sensation can try to go to Mount Prau in Dieng. It is one of the best climbing destinations for beginners due to the easy and clear route. You are about to reach 2.565 meters above sea level mountain. The trekking takes around 3 to 4 hours, and it is worth it because you will see the outstanding view.

Mount Prau DIeng@azreenyunus10

The Route

Mount Prau, Dieng becomes one of the most popular tourist destinations because the paths are less dangerous. The paths are relatively easy to pass compared to another route such as Patak banteng. Trekking to Mount Prau through Patak banteng is only for advanced or experienced trekkers. This route is challenging but you can reach the top of Mount Prau faster compared to other routes. No matter the route you take, you will enjoy fantastic scenery at the top of the mountain. Relax for a while after taking long trekking by enjoying the scenery of big mountains from the peak of Mount Prau.

This mountain is close to several other mountains, which are Mount Sumbing, Mount Sindoro, Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu, and Mount Slamet. Then, continue the exploration by exploring specific places such as a flower field and Teletubbies Hill. Don’t forget to bring your camera and take some beautiful photos. Share the photos with your friends through your Instagram or other social media accounts. They will be curious about the location and you will get more attention because of the amazing images.

The Best Time to Go To Mount Prau

The best time to go to Mount Prau is in the morning. It is not only because of the fresh air but also the gorgeous sunrise. Start the trekking at 2.00 AM from the meeting point. You will get to the peak of the mountain at about 5.00 AM and it is the right time to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise. There will be two rest areas along the trekking route.

Sunrise in Mount Prau Dieng

Use these places to take a breath and rest before continuing the trekking. There are two peaks on this mountain. You even can enjoy outstanding scenery in the first peak, such as Sindoro Mountain and Sumbing Mountain. Indeed, you can continue the trip to the second peak. The second peak is only a few minutes from the first peak. This location offers a more fantastic view than the first peak, such as the green Dieng Village, Telaga Warna Lake, and Kawah Sikidang Crater.

Things to Bring

You must bring or wear a jacket because the weather is cold there. Make sure that you wear a fit and comfortable trekking shoe because you are about to walk for around 3 or 4 hours or even more. Wearing a pair of comfortable shoes prevent injuries and reach the peak of Mount Prau safely and based on the schedule. Bring your best camera and capture all the amazing spots or events there. Indeed, you will get a lot of beautiful images from Mount Prau to share with friends, family, and colleagues.

The most important thing is that you must prepare your stamina so you can reach the peak without too exhausted and explore the surroundings maximally. Don’t forget to bring a first aid kit, water supply, snacks, and a headlamp. It is okay to bring a garbage bag and an outdoor mat. These items will be useful during the trekking to Mount Prau.

If you want to have a new trekking experience, you can explore Mount Prau in Dieng. You will get the most unforgettable experience and moments there. In the end, you will miss to go back to this beautiful mountain right away and feel all the sensations again. So, take this mountain on your holiday or trekking list.